MON to WED 12 - 9PM
THU to SAT 12 - 10PM
SUN 12 - 7PM
MON to WED 12 - 9PM
THU to SAT 12 - 10PM
SUN 12 - 7PM
MON to WED 12 - 9PM
THU to SAT 12 - 10PM
SUN 12 - 7PM
MON to WED 12 - 9PM
THU to SAT 12 - 10PM
SUN 12 - 7PM
Grand Justice of the Flesh-eater Courts
Verminlord Corruptor Verminlord Warbringer Lord Skreech Verminking Verminlord Deceiver Verminlord Warpseer
18 Legiones Astartes bikes and anti-grav skimmers for Legions Imperialis
Electro-Priests, Corpuscarii Electro-Priests, Fulgurite Electro-Priests
Take on thrilling missions with the Kill Team: Hand of the Archon. With a full team of 10 cruel covert agents, this set is perfect for your Drukhar...
View full detailsTempestors, Concussors, Lord-Celestant on Dracoth, Fulminators, Desolators
5 Custodian Wardens; or 1 Shield-Captain; and/or 1 Vexilus Praetor